Cognitive Science
The Middle European interdisciplinary master programme in Cognitive Science (MEi:CogSci) (2nd university cycle)
This was a short-term Student job.
With a small team of programmers (15) we were developing backend TV network system, which is used by one of Slovenia’s biggest TV companies T2 as well as a lot of companies abroad. I work mainly on big data storage, aggregation and statistics. I had to quit because of Erasmus+ exchange.
This was a short-term Student job.
I was working on an international project ACCUS, which focused on building a smart city. Our department was in charge of autonomous agent communication and electricity distribution. Unfortunately, project got canceled.
As part of a team of international developers, we were developing software solutions for various clients, including the notorious Magenta Austria and T1 Austria. My responsibilities revolved around a plethora of technologies; from cybersecurity design and implementation, database configuration to microservices, frontend and BPMN. The work demanded of us to be very flexible and adaptive to new technologies. In the course of this job, I became a certified Java senior lead developer, a business analyst, a project architect and a delivery manager.
JIT like JUST IN TIME. "Too little, too late?" Thanks, but no, thanks! "Too early, too much?" Not a healthy choice either. Better go for “just in time” – the perfect solution at the ideal moment.
JIT is an agile and flexible team of experts with broad, deep expertise for various projects in the fields of Workflow Automation, Process Mining and Robotics Process Automation (RPA) – with a special Workflow- and Business-Process-Management-oriented partnership with Camunda. JIT is able to support projects on the road to growing efficiency, competitiveness and company value – from the kick-off workshop to the prototype, from the proof from the concept to customized licensing, from installation to integration.
In the course of my Master Thesis we performed a scientific study named: 'The Role of Mental Representation in Problem-Solving Process'.
This study is aimed to examine how a change, creation and usage of different mental representations of a given problem effect the
process of solving the given problem. We performed this study online on a series of Matchsick-equation tasks.
The following buttons allow you to see the final Master Thesis in PDF form or allow you to participate in the experiment.
Actually, I am
looking for ventilators,
mills and other services of
Ključavničarstvo Grenc
This site is a personal page of Nejc Grenc. The site comes in multiple languages, configurable via the flag button on the top right corner. This site was developed by me it its entirety from scratch.
Throughout my career, I have learned not only how to program in several different programming languages, but also how to configure and use a plethora of applications that improve development cycles. I have widespread specialist knowledge of high-level requirements designs as well as low-level technology-based implementation skills, which allows me to work on any step of a software project from its conception to its delivery, or even manage the whole project alone. I have carried out plenty of training courses and learned how to google well and how to study new technologies quickly and efficiently.
I am a professional senior developer and a software architect, but those are not the only skills I excel at. I have also learned how to communicate well with other developers and lead different development teams - locally sourced and abroad. I have led quite a few team meetings, teaching sessions and played a support role for new developers or filled in as a 'rubber ducky'. These skills are additionally supported by my college education, which was based on mathematics, IT and various scientific fields of cognitive sciences. The latter improved my knowledge in areas of neuroscience, AI, linguistics and psychology, which have helped me to come up with interesting solutions on various occasions.
With such diverse skills, I am confident in taking any task given my way.
Personal info
My past job descriptions
Language proficiency
"Any fool can write code that a computer can understand.
Good programmers write code that humans can understand."
- Martin Fowler
A representation of my technology stack. Hovering or clicking on a block in the stack will present a few selected programming languages or tools (represented by their respective logos) that I am proficient in and have used in various personal and work-related projects. These are just a few of them, since I have yet to improve TechStack to support more.
It is also important to understand that my philosophy is to learn languages and tools on the fly, only when certain knowledge is needed.
"Programming isn't about what you know; it's about what you can figure out." - Chris Pine
I have worked in a few project management positions, where I developed the skills needed to lead various teams in collaboration of software development. From business perspective, I especially excel in task organization, scheduling and agile roadmap adjustments. And from development perspective, I have received a lot of praise about pair-programming and rubber-ducky skills.
The jobs I have had throughout the years.
2017 - 2021
A short-term Student job
2015 - 2016
A short-term Student job
2014 - 2015
Study programs that I was involved with and have successfully complited.
I host my private Wiki, where I regularly publish new posts on various topics. These posts can be either part of research on my ongoing projects or are simple notes, aggregating the information form already published sources. Feel free to browse my Wiki, but keep in mind that some posts might be work in progress and also that not all posts are made public yet.
These are some of my most notable posts. There is no common topic to them. They each explore their own idea, some of which are my originals and some are simply reiterations of already known ideas.
There are a lot more public posts available on my Wiki
I have put some of my notable personal experiences into written form.
This section is a directory to various projects of Nejc Grenc. The projects themselves do not necessarily support multiple languages. The supported languages are marked on the project cards themselves with circular flags.
This website was developed not long ago, and only a few projects are presented at the current time. In addition, there are a lot of projects ready to be presented to the public.
Keep track of this page as it develops. If you do not want to wait, feel free to contact me via Gmail's account nejc.grenc.
Interactive widgets built to be included in websites or as separate mini-application.
Check out on the moving elements on the current page
A few of the currently active aplication projects that I am particularly proud of.
The Role of Mental Representation in Problem-Solving Process
Tool to help you stay organized in a disorganized way
A lot of projects are not yet ready to go public.
Important companies that have helped us
This site is property of Nejc Grenc.
Logo letter G is copyrighted by